I will show you all possible methods, you can follow any one method. In this article, I am going to show you how I send images using Gmail. There are many ways you can send images using Gmail.
Tap one of the buttons to shrink the photo down to size. Want to know How to email pictures through Gmail. Tap the “CC/BCC” line to expand it-and suddenly, you’ll see a series of four “Image Size” options: Small, Medium, Large, and Actual Size. How To Compress An Email Attachment With Aol Compressed (zipped) files are compressed files which right-click the file, select Send to, and then select folders for compressed files.AZIP files, once compressed, usually shrink from anything like 10 to 75 if there is sufficient amount of space within their data for the compression algorithm to operate efficiently. Now, here’s the trick: see the “CC/BCC” line, just below the “To” line? Look over to the right, and you’ll see a little text that reads “Images: 143 KB” (the size will vary depending on the image).Go ahead and fill in the “To:” and “Subject” lines, and add a message in the body of the email if you wish.

Later, you download the compressed photos to your Photos app and delete the original photos from your device. In this blog post, I will explain 6 easy ways to compress video files: 1. You can use a resizer to reduce the size of an image Try using Fastone. Today, we have many more options to compress and send a large video via e-mail. Your iPad will automatically paste your photo (or photos, if you selected more than one) into a blank email message. Tap 'Send' button to send the compressed photos to your email. How do you compress pictures for email Wiki User.If you have attached multiple high quality images.
Another option: compose a new message in the Mail app, tap and hold in the body of the message, then tap “Insert Photo or Video” in the pop-up that appears. I used to send photos and screenshots from iPhone to my PC or Mac via email and edit them with Photoshop.

Now, “medium” is a reasonable choice when it comes to emailing a photo in iOS generally, you’re looking at about 150 KB of data for images snapped on an iPhone 6.īut what if you want to change the change the size of the photo before your iPad sends it?